So this year my youngest child was diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I am totally still learning how he ticks and what to do about it. Some days I think I've figured him out just to be reminded by some new incident that no...I have no clue what I am doing. The thing is, he makes me laugh as much or more than he makes me cry! Our family refers to him as our Destroying Angel. At nearly 6, he is super smart and intelligent, active, imaginative and free spirited. He makes friends everywhere he goes and isn't afraid to talk to anyone. Over the years I have shared with friends and family some of the crazy things he has done and funny things he has said.
This year, we have had a few adventures. Many times I have been encouraged to write a book. I'm not a good writer and have no idea where to start. So I decided to include some of our adventures on my blog.

Recently, he is asking if we will change his name to "Shazam"! I may just call him that. What could it hurt?
I think it's better than Wreck it Ralph's "Fix it Felix". He was that guy a month ago and took a hammer to all the windows in our 2-story play house. Broke every last one. And all the tail lights on our utility trailer.
I had a dream last night Bennett was in my car and then driving it a bit. I was like "What are you doing?! Then I saw you in the passenger seat and I thought " What is she doing?! It reminds me of when Briggs said " I drove the truck!. Makes me laugh that one. How does he come up with these stunts? :)